quarta-feira, 4 de abril de 2012

3 minutes

- Analice Ról

Where am I?
I don't know if I'm here
Happy and healthy with my new passion
Or if I'm still there
Sleeping under your sheets
On your mattress

Somebody is calling me
But it is not you
It's not him
It's me
My ego, my superego, my Id

Who is this fucking girl
In front of the mirror
Saying good-bye to her past?

It's not me
It's just one more girl you have left behind.

segunda-feira, 4 de outubro de 2010


- Analice Ról

I felt bad when I looked at myself
And didn't see the person
Who I used to be:
curly hair and little eyes
Sure. My eyes now maybe are smaller than before
The lack of glasses in urgency times
Made my eyes like they are

I felt pretty good when I looked at myself
And found a person with Brazilian accent
and many qualities from my family
No shame
No last name
No way I'm going to give up
I want to find the person who I am
And it is not the one I see in the mirror
Or the image reflected in the glasses of a stranger
in the elevator

Life is short, they use to say
But life is too long
I prefer little time with much joy
I want to walk on the line which is simpler to follow.

domingo, 29 de agosto de 2010


I wanna kiss your body like those who travel and have no direction. I wanna kiss you body without rest. Tired body, tears coming out. I wanna breath the air inside your lungs and eat everything that is from you. I wanna cry your tears and feel your sadness. I could put myself in your shoes just to make you feel for me what I'm feeling now for you. It's not love, because love is sad in the end. And this feeling makes me happy even when makes me cry, makes me laughs about my bad mood. Makes me look at the sky and say: God! Thank you for my life!

sábado, 21 de agosto de 2010


Baby, I'm here like a crazy child waiting for the time when I'm going to see your face, hug your body, hold your hand. If my words are not enough to prove my love, I'm sorry. Love is bigger than us, I just love you and miss you. You are in my dreams, you are inside me. You are the air in my lungs.